This is Love & Light Spiritist Group Children Sponsoring Program, which was created in response to the wish expressed by some persons in the United States to help extremely poor children in Brazil. We provide assistance in the areas of nutrition, health and education. By being able to provide the three basic needs – food, health and education – the Program will eventually be able to empower these children to overcome poverty. Click here to go to Love & Light website (Clique no link para visitar o site do Amor & Luz)

quinta-feira, 2 de março de 2017


Damião era bem jovem quando começamos  a apadrinhar ele e sua familia. 
Ele é filho do nosso amado do Sr. Faustino.

Damião was also very young when we first started sponsoring him and his family.
He is the son of our beloved of Mr. Faustino.

Ajudando Anderson e sua família - Helping Anderson and his family

O Programa do Apadrinhamento doou uma contribuição de R$ 860.00 (Oitocentos e sessenta Reais) para comprar os ferros para ajudar na construção da casa de Anderson.
Anderson e sua família agradecem aos padrinhos.
Our Sponsorship Program donated the contribution of R$ 860.00 (Eight hundred and sixty Reais) to purchase metals to help with Anderson's house construction.
Anderson and his family express gratitude to our sponsorship.