This is Love & Light Spiritist Group Children Sponsoring Program, which was created in response to the wish expressed by some persons in the United States to help extremely poor children in Brazil. We provide assistance in the areas of nutrition, health and education. By being able to provide the three basic needs – food, health and education – the Program will eventually be able to empower these children to overcome poverty. Click here to go to Love & Light website (Clique no link para visitar o site do Amor & Luz)

domingo, 15 de maio de 2016

Distribuição de cestas básica - Food baskets distribution

"Toda criança que encontro é uma designação divina."
    Wess Stafford, presidente emérito do Compassion International

Obrigado! Thank you!

"Every child you encounter is a divine appointment."
  Wess Stafford, President Emeritus of Compassion International

 Irmãos Maique recebendo a cesta básica

Children receiving food basket

Jaqueline recebendo a cesta básica
Jaqueline receiving food basket

Laysia recebendo a cesta básica

Laysia receiving food basket

"In the love of a child has so many songs, affection and trust to be born, will and reason to live"
Claudio Nucci

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